

Augason Farms Honey Wheat Bread and Roll Mix


Bread Wheat Honey 58oz Can

SKU: 5-80310 Category:


Augason Farms Honey Wheat Bread & Roll Mix is a delicious, healthy blend that can be used in a variety of ways. It is simple to make: just add water, oil, and yeast. There’s nothing like the tantalizing aroma of baking wheat bread or rolls to make anyone’s day. And this healthful mix produces delightfully filling and nourishing results. Use it for everyday baking as well as for long term food storage. 10 year shelf life* 48 servings 3 lb 10 oz, institutional size (#10) can Easy to prepare, just add water, oil, yeast For emergency food storage, camping or everyday use * Sealed/Opened to 1 year. Best when stored in a cool dry place at temperatures between 55˚F and 70˚F (ideal humidity 15%). is affiliated with certain sites such as Amazon. We may receive a small commission if you click Amazon links on this website and make a purchase. Thank you.
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